Type Of CMS and Reason For CMS

What is a CMS (Content Management System)?

According to Wikipedia, it defines a Content Management System (CMS) as manages the creation and modification of digital content. It typically supports multiple users in a collaborative environment.

CMS features vary widely. Most CMSs include Web-based publishing, format management, history editing, and version control, indexing, search, and retrieval. By their nature, content management systems support the separation of content and presentation.

A web content management system (WCM or WCMS) is a CMS designed to support the management of the content of Web pages. Most popular CMSs are also WCMSs. Web content includes text and embedded graphics, photos, video, audio, maps, and program code (e.g., for applications) that displays content or interacts with the user.

Now, After we have to know what CMS means let look into the typically has two major components of CMS:

  1. A content management application (CMA) is the front-end user interface that allows a user, even with limited expertise, to add, modify, and remove content from a website without the intervention of a webmaster.
  2. A content delivery application (CDA) compiles that information and updates the website.
Content management systems typically provide the following features

  • SEO-friendly URLs
  • Integrated and online help
  • Modularity and extensibility
  • User and group functionality
  • Templating support for changing designs
  • Install and upgrade wizards
  • Integrated audit logs
  • Compliance with various accessibility frameworks and standards, such as WAI-ARIA
Let us list the top 10 types of CMS we have;

  1. WordPress.
  2. Drupal.
  3. Joomla!
  4. ExpressionEngine.
  5. TextPattern.
  6. Radiant CMS.
  7. Cushy CMS.
  8. SilverStripe.
  9. Alfresco
  10. TYPOlight
We are coming welcoming with an article for each of this CMS. But Wordpress is generally accepted around the global. 
